Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Two Weeks Old

Today, my daughter is two weeks old. These have been the longest two weeks of my life as I have watched my baby girl fight for her’s.  Today I am reflecting on all that has happened and all that I am looking forward to. There are so many things that we are waiting for that for our other children we may not have even noticed. For example:

-          When she will be able to breathe on her own
-          The first time we heard her cry (she was a week and a half old)
-          The first bowel movement that is not medically induced (until now they have all been )
-          The first time she will be able to swallow (she can’t yet)
-          The first time she will be able to cough without the help of a physical therapist
-          Her first full meal
-          When the doctors say that she is no longer at risk for stomach problems
-          The first time I will be able to hold her (I haven’t yet)
-          The first time that she will no longer have multiple IV lines in her body
-          The point at which she can regulate her own body temperature
-          The day she will be able to wear clothes (she currently cannot)
-          The day she will sleep in a bassinet and not in an isolate (incubator)
-          The first time that she will go for a whole day without morphine (she is on morphine 24 hours a day for pain now)
-          The first time her siblings will be able to see her

While I do so long to take her home, I have learned to dream in smaller steps.

Now, a medical update. Avigayil now has a staph infection in her blood. This is a potentially very serious complication. She is on antibiotics and we are waiting for the latest blood tests to tell us if they are helping. She has had another episode of bowel trouble. Her stomach was distended and tender. However, after a period of fasting she was able to start feedings again. She finally received the medication for her edema. We are waiting to find out when they will attempt to extubate again.  


  1. baby steps. Preemies are a lesson in emunah, niflos haborei (how much has to go right for a baby to be okay? How is it possible this usually works?!), and patience.

    We keep davening.

  2. the baby is in my daily tefillos and tehillim.
