Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three Weeks Old

Yesterday, Avigayil was three weeks old! It’s hard to believe. These last three weeks have felt so much longer.

Avigayil is improving in some ways, she is up to 28 ml per feed and is no longer receiving TPN (IV nutrition) or IV fluids (to keep her hydrated).  Her blood pressure is much better and she is no longer on medication for it. She is also off the morphine again.

There are other ways however, that she is not improving. She still needs high levels of oxygen even with the CPAP machine. She is also having trouble with her heart rate. It is still too high. They did an EKG however during the test her heart rate did not go up. This actually made me feel good because now the doctors knew how mothers feel every time we go to the pediatrician (“I swear his fever was 105 and he was practically passed out just 20 minutes ago”).  

Dov got to do kangaroo care with her yesterday and it was his first time holding her. As he gently held this tiny baby to his chest and kissed her head I thought about how special it is to be able to kiss her. As parents we often take this for granted but since we were not able to do it for so long each kiss is something special.

I also bought her a present yesterday, her very first pacifier. She needed a specific one specially made for preemies and it cost us 70 shekels (about $23)!Hope we don't loose it.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to daven! Tolerating feedings, being held, kangaroo care, no more TPN (being off TPN eliminates a huge infection risk!) and just being so adorable is making me smile though. I am just so happy there are so many good things B"H. Her progress over the last three weeks is amazing! <3 It should just continue and she should get stronger and continue to amaze everyone with her progress.
