Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Good News

Good News! The baby made it to over a kilo in the weight estimation.  My AFI has gone up significantly and they are also happy with the blood flow measurements. The heart seems to have calmed down for now and things are looking good. If the progress continues, the doctor today said there is a chance I could make it to 35 weeks. That would mean the baby would only be a month early, a real game changer.  While I don’t relish the idea of another month in the hospital, I am thrilled at the idea of the baby having a better chance.  It looks like the combination of hospitalization, medication and teffilos (prayers) are really helping. Please keep davening (praying) for us.

Purim Sameach!


  1. B'H, fantastic! We will keep those prayers and tehillim flowing, and even more!

  2. Hello

    I am one of your parent's shul member and neighbor. Our little Avi's heartbeat decil
    erated at 35 weeks and I prayed and cried for Hashem's mercy. I have never been more frightened in my life. My case went from a potential emergency C-section to him hanging out for another two weeks. 3 different doctors and 3 different opinions. Finally, they took me off my high blood pressure medication and the baby did much better.

    We are truly blessed now with a beautiful baby boy.

    Praying for your's and the baby's good health.

    Looking forward to meeting your family - we hear so much about one day!


  3. Great News Rivka!!!

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    Shavoa Tov u'Mevorach to you and your family.

    - Sima (Simcha)
