Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Quick Update

Avigayil is now five weeks old. We spent the past 37 days in the NICU. Overall she is doing a bit better. They moved her out of the warming bed and into w bassinet. This means she can now better regulate her body temperature. Last night she had her third blood transfusion which seems to have helped her hemoglobin levels a lot. She is even taking most of her meals by mouth. Her breathing, however, is still problematic. She is using a machine called vapotherm which is similar to cpap. Her oxygen levels are still pretty high at 45 %. Her flow (the pressure required to deliver the oxygen) is also still high. She is still in intensive care. I know this update is short, but I'm still at the hospital and soon it will be shabbos. I will try to post more on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Open bassinet is B"H huge progress. Don't forget room air is 21% O2, so 45% is a lot, but it is closer to room air than 100%, which wasn't enough not long ago. We continue to daven! Thank you for the update.
