Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Please Daven for Avigayil Bas Rivka Batya.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Homeward Bound

Avigayil has been officially discharged. She has quite a ways to go but the doctors will monitor her from home. (They really want her out of the hospital before she catches anything else and since Avigayil is on home hospitalization the doctors will be coming to the house) Her total weight loss is 700 grams. She is still on a continuous feed of only 30 cc per hour and off oral feeding all together (an overall total of much less then her regular intake). She needs to finish weening off the steroids and is still on an increased number of inhalations.  She will need a lot of follow up, a lot of therapy, and a lot of rest over the coming weeks. The doctors expect her full recovery to take months.

The kids are looking forward to having her home (they said good night to her every night on the phone) and to having me home as well. Avigayil will be very happy to be back in her own crib and is looking forward to not being poked, stuck and examined all day. I am looking forward to a long hot shower and a regular bed. I am sure Dov is really looking forward to getting back to a regular routine .  We are all looking forward to a quiet Shabbos.

Thank you to everyone who has been helping in so many different ways. There have been meal, babysitting, rides, visitors, and many other countless cheseds done for our family.  We are truly thankful for it all.

I am sorry to say that Avigayil will not be allowed any visitors for a while. Unfortunately, she is still weak and can easily get sicker. Also (and here is the really great part), she can easily get RSV again. Yep, our experience of the last two and a half weeks does not exempt her from the virus in the future.  It doesn't even guarantee that she will not get it again this winter.  We were very careful about isolation last winter and will be again this winter, but for the next few weeks until she regains her strength we have to be even stricter. Please don't take it personally if we don't invite you in, we just aren't eager to do this again.

Most of all, thank you to everyone who has been davening. Your support has been priceless and we have drawn strength from it. Avigayil still needs teffilos so please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.


  1. safe travels home! We continue to daven.

  2. Wow. A warrior! Refuah shlema. Sending our love and tefilos!
