I have not sent out an update in a while. Avigayil has had a rough winter. She has spent more time sick than not. Most recently she has been sick for the past month. She has had 2 rounds of antibiotics and multiple rounds of steroids. The steroids turn her into a tiny manic depressive. She gets a high from them and goes a bit nuts until the exhaustion of being sick takes over and she passes out on the floor in a very small heap of heavily breathing baby.
From Shabbos afternoon until Sunday morning she had 5 episodes of hypoxia, turning blue. She lost half a kilo in 2 1/2 days. She is currently back in the hospital. Her pco2 is very high and she is on the Vapotherm breathing machine. Yesterday they told us that she has influenza (despite having had her flu shot) and RSV (AGAIN! ). Well, at least now we know why she keeps turning blue.
Please continue to daven for Avigayil bas Rivka Batya. Thank you.
Davening, as always. :( Refuah shelayma!!