We had a bit of a scare on Monday. Sunday night we hired a nurse and went out for the first time without her since she came home. When we got home I noticed that Avigayil's heart rate was a bit high. Over night it continued to climb reaching 200-230 beats per minute. This is extremely high. When she sleeps she is usually around 100-120.
In the morning I called the pediatrician who had me bring her right in. By the time we got to his office she was having trouble breathing as well. He sent us to the hospital.
By the time we got there her heart rate was already starting to calm down a bit. She got an inhalation, an ecg, chest x-ray and cardiac monitor. The doctors don't really have an explanation for why it happened, but they feel it has to do with her breathing. We discussed with the doctors the possibility of exploring other option to improve her breathing. All would be setbacks, but hopefully in the end they would help her move forward.
After a few hours of monitoring her heart rate seemed to be coming down and the decided to let us go home. She has an appointment to be hospitalized on Monday for tests. It was supposed to be for one night, but now it may be more. We will have to see what the doctors say next week.
For now we are home enjoying the rest of the holiday with the family.
May Hashem quickly send her a refuah shelaima and give you much nachas from her ad meah v'esrim shana.