On Friday night Avigayil looked a bit off. On shabbos day (Saturday) she started to get sicker and sicker. Her breathing was labored, she had "virus diapers" and over all was not doing well. Her saturations kept dropping into the 70's. She even stopped eating. Then came the green vomit.
Green vomit can be a sign of bowl obstruction, a very serious condition requiring immediate emergency attention. So we called an ambulance. Within minutes they came to the house and a few minutes after that Avigayil and I where in the ambulance and off to the hospital. Joy.
When we got there the doctor took one look and said "She is going to have to stay." "Oh, no!" I thought. "This is the first rehospitalization that I have been so dreading."
Thankfully, she did not have a bowl obstruction, and over a few hours they where able to stabilize her breathing. We stayed over night and went home on Sunday, with yet another medication added to her list.
I guess the rehospitalization nightmare will have to wait.
To make Sunday even more enjoyable the older kids went to the park in the afternoon. After about half an hour they came back in screaming like hyenas. Apparently, they where viciously attacked by bees at the park. Each one had multiple stings on their heads and arms. So I called the pediatrician for the second time that day. We are becoming good friends. If this keeps up Dov might get jealous.
To top it all off that night Avigayil's nebulizer quit. I guess 4 -6 times a day is too much for a drug store nebulizer. Joy again.
Then on Monday we had to go back to the hospital for a hearing test. (You'd think we liked it there) Preemies in general but especially preemies who had antibiotics shortly after birth or where on oxygen (we hit all three) are at a greater risk for hearing loss then the general public. Therefore we will be following a strict schedule for hearing tests over the next three years. The tests is different from most hearing tests in that it measures how her brain is processing the sounds.
When I made the appointment they told me "You should come with the baby being tired but not asleep. Then once we start the test she should go to sleep. If she doesn't sleep then we can't do the test." Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. How exactly am I supposed to pull that off?
So I more or less tourtured my already sick baby by keeping her up and then we get to the test and they start cleaning the skin on her head and face with all kinds of stuff and sticking on the electrodes. Did I mention that Avigayil has REALLY sensitive skin and almost anything can irritate it, especially cleaning solutions, alcohol and anything sticky? If that where not enough they then stuck things into her ears.
Ok, now go to sleep.......lots of over tired screaming.......she finally surrenders and goes to sleep.
Now we start the test. Every time she fusses they stop and wait for me to calm her and for her to go back to sleep before continuing. After about an hour I ask if we are almost done. They tell me "about half way." WHAT!!! This is a TWO HOUR TEST?! And my baby is supposed to calmly sleep through it? Who thought of that brilliant idea?
Well we got about 2/3 of the way through before she just couldn't sleep any more, but it was enough to know that she does not currently have any hearing loss. Now we are privileged to do the whole thing over in 4 months. More Joy.
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