In order to improve her breathing her fluid intake was limited and several additives were put in the milk to increase her caloric intake. However, they had to drop the additives when she started to vomit every meal. They have been slowly increasing the amount of milk she gets trying to find the right balance so that she will gain weight but not effect her breathing.
Today was also harp day. Avigayil lay happily sleeping in her bassinet listening to the music she has come to love.
We are not the only ones anticipating Avigayil's homecoming. Even Chavi, our three year old has started drawing pictures for her baby and asking when Avigayil will come to live with us. She frequently tells me that Avigayil is her friend and often lists her with her other siblings. I didn't think she really understood, but now we I do. I guess I should learn from this not to underestimate my children. They understand and feel a lot more than we think they do.
We continue to daven. Thank you for the update. Chavi <3 too sweet.